When I added text form fields to my document I found it hard to get them all to line up perfectly.
While there are alignment tools that can be used to align existing form fields, it can be tedious and one needs to be meticulous. A simpler way exists.
There is a tool that can be used here to simplify things, the “Create Multiple Copies” Tool. To cleanly create the above set of text fields do this:
Create a single text field on the page:
Then copy it horizontally using the “Create Multiple Copies” tool:
Set the number of fields down to one, and the number of fields across as desired. You can also set the spacing between fields here.
You should now have a single row of aligned text fields that you can “Make Multiple Copies” of vertically. Choose the total number of rows you want and set the spacing if desired:
On clicking OOK you should have a set of form fields that are evenly and cleanly laid out:
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