Artificial Intelligence

Feature Article: Artificial Intelligence speaks on Artificial Intelligence

In this First part of a 3 part Series by award winning Canadian Journalist Mike D'Amour, we ask AI to reveal some likely future outcomes of the revolution coming to our society as a consequence of the ever deeper entrenchment of AI in our Daily Lives, the results may surprise you. First up, we asked about the future of AI and asked it to predict it’s own future.
Read Part 1 now ...
AI Medical

The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made remarkable advancements in recent years, revolutionizing various quarters of society.

AI is right now integrated into our daily lives through voice recognition systems like Siri and Alexa, AI-powered recommendation algorithms on streaming platforms, and chatbots designed to provide customer support.

AI has also made significant progress in fields such as healthcare, finance, and transportation, aiding in disease diagnosis, fraud detection, and autonomous vehicles.

The future of AI is a rapidly changing landscape, and the present innovations in the field of artificial intelligence are accelerating at a blazing-fast pace that's tough to keep up. AI is shaping the future of humanity across nearly every industry, and is already the main driver of emerging technologies like big data, robotics, and IoT (Internet of things).


However, the current state of AI isn’t perfect

It also presents challenges such as biases in algorithm decision-making, ethical concerns, and potential job displacement. AI brought immense advancements and possibilities to various fields, but it also comes with its fair share of risks and potential negative consequences.
AI Evolution
One major concern is that AI could lead to significant job displacement, as automated systems and machines become more capable of performing tasks traditionally carried out by humans. This could result in high unemployment rates and economic instability, as millions of workers may struggle to find alternative employment.

However, it’s important to note the potential risks associated with AI do not necessarily spell the end of mankind. Transparency and accountability become crucial factors in the development and deployment of AI systems to avoid any potential harm.
Additionally, investing in education and re-skilling programs can help individuals adapt to the changing job market and ensure a smooth transition in the face of AI advancements. By recognizing the risks and addressing them effectively, we can harness AI as a powerful tool to enhance human capabilities rather than replace them.


As we rocket towards the future, the possibilities for AI seem endless: AI is expected to penetrate deeper into industries, playing a crucial role in transforming business processes and generating innovative solutions. Reinforcement learning and neural networks hold great promise for improving AI by enabling machines to learn from unlabeled data and simulate human-like behaviour.

AI is expected to assist with complex tasks such as drug discovery, climate change analysis, and urban planning, helping us find solutions to some of the most pressing global challenges.
The rise of AI may also lead to increased collaboration between humans and machines, creating a new paradigm of technology augmentation and enhancing our capabilities.However, as AI grows more sophisticated, concerns about its potential risks and threats (think Skynet) must be addressed. Ethical considerations are needed to guide AI development to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability.
In short, stricter regulations will be necessary to prevent misuse of AI technology, safeguard data privacy, and prevent the creation of autonomous systems with harmful intentions. Additionally, the impact of AI on employment remains a major concern.
While it may — may? — eliminate some jobs, AI is also expected to generate new roles and industries, emphasizing the need for ongoing re-skilling and up-skilling initiatives to ensure individuals can adapt to the changing job market.

The state of AI today is marked by significant achievements and opportunities. Its integration into various aspects of our lives is undeniable, paving the way for more exciting developments in the future.

However, harnessing the full potential of AI will require addressing ethical dilemmas, evolving regulatory frameworks, and ensuring the benefits of AI are accessible to all. By embracing AI as a tool for augmentation rather than replacement, we can achieve a future where AI enables us to solve complex problems and improve our collective well-being.

Using various free AI apps, Tracker Software decided to “interview” them about various topics; some fun, some not so much.

First up, we asked about the future of AI and asked it to predict it’s own future.

Following are the nuts and bolts of the response:

Here are some of the predictions for the future of AI, as predicted by AI:

  • In the next five years, AI will make us feel life is speeding up. Human behaviour will change, and industries will be radically transformed. The next five years of AI development will likely lead to major societal changes that go well beyond what we've seen to date.

  • By 2028, the education system could be barely recognizable, as AI will likely be transformative. Students will receive educational content and trainings tailored to their specific needs. AI will also determine optimal educational strategies based on students' individual learning styles1
  • AI, augmenting human intelligence, is primed to transform the scientific research process, unleashing a new golden age of scientific discovery.     
  • It’s because of AI that there are now a plethora of new jobs in both existing and pioneering fields. However, AI will not outperform humans, as some may believe when it comes to some specific tasks that demand human intelligences and emotions.

Yet there are potential ethical concerns with the future of AI that include:

  • AI Bias: AI systems are trained on data, and if the data is biased, the AI can perpetuate and amplify those biases. This can lead to discriminatory outcomes in areas such as hiring, lending, and criminal justice.     

  • Job Displacement: As AI technology advances, there’s a concern it could replace human jobs, leading to unemployment and economic inequality.     
  • Privacy and Surveillance: AI systems often rely on collecting and analyzing large amounts of personal data. This raises concerns about privacy and the potential for surveillance, as well as the misuse of personal information.
  • Accountability: AI systems can make decisions that have significant impacts on individuals and society. However, it can be challenging to determine who’s responsible when something goes wrong or when the AI system makes a harmful decision.     
  • Transparency and Explainability: Many AI systems, such as deep learning models, are considered "black boxes" because they’re difficult to interpret and explain. The lack of transparency can make it challenging to understand how AI systems make decisions and could lead to a lack of trust.     
  • Security: AI systems can be vulnerable to attacks and manipulation. Malicious actors could exploit AI systems to spread misinformation, engage in cyberattacks, or manipulate financial markets3     
  • Impact on Workforce: The introduction of AI technology may require re-skilling or up-skilling of the workforce. There is a concern certain jobs may become obsolete, leading to unemployment and social disruption.     
  • Fairness and Equity: AI systems should be designed and deployed in a way to ensure fairness and equity for all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, or other characteristics. However, there is a risk AI systems can perpetuate existing inequalities or create new ones. It’s important to address the ethical concerns to ensure AI is developed and used in a responsible and beneficial manner. This requires a combination of technical solutions, policy frameworks, and public engagement to ensure that AI benefits society as a whole.

Finally, with the advent of artificial intelligence and its rapid advancements, the possibility of Skynet — as portrayed in the wildly popular science-fiction movie franchise "The Terminator” — becomes a subject of discussion.
AI Drones

Skynet, a self-aware AI system designed for military purposes, eventually turns against humanity, leading to a dystopian future where machines dominate and exterminate humans. While AI has shown remarkable progress in various domains, including natural language processing and image recognition, the idea of a sentient AI system like Skynet surpassing human intelligence and posing a threat to humanity is highly speculative.

The development and implementation of AI technologies are under strict ethical regulations and research protocols, ensuring the safety and well-being of humans. As long as these guidelines remain in place, the notion of Skynet, as depicted in science fiction, appears highly improbable.


Moreover, it is essential to understand that AI, by design, lacks the ability to have desires, intentions, or emotions, which are distinctively human characteristics. AI systems are programmed to follow predefined rules and operate within the parameters set by their human creators. They lack consciousness and self-awareness, two fundamental attributes necessary for an AI system to evolve into a Skynet-like entity.

While AI can learn and adapt based on patterns and data, it is still fundamentally limited to its programming and lacks the capacity to override its bounds independently. As such, the notion of Skynet seems highly unlikely and falls more within the realm of science fiction rather than a realistic possibility in the age of AI advancements.


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