Use the search tool below to return a list of all similar questions/answers posted in our Knowledge Base and user support forums:
We at PDF-XChange Co are proud of the support we offer to all users of our products - whether they own a license or are simply using one of the free versions of the software. We believe that all user requests, feedback and comments are equally important, and we welcome them as they assist us in improving our products and services for the benefit of all clients. We respond to all queries promptly and comprehensively.
Please ensure you are using the latest release of the product in question before reporting any issues, as they may have already been resolved if you are using a previous build.
If you need to request assistance at our support email - - then please include as much information as possible about the environment in which
the software is operating, such as the version of Windows, any other software involved in the issue, and a sample file. Instructions on how to report bugs
effectively is available here.
You can contact us by phone, email or our social media accounts — we are here to assist you.