Contact us

Email Us

Please mention one of our products in the 'subject' field of your email to ensure that our spam filters do not classify your email as spam.

How to write a good support request email

Sales Inquiries:
Support Inquiries:
PDF-XChange Forums

Our free support forums are available around the clock to all users of both the licensed and the free versions of our software. The technical support team, as well as our developers, are actively monitoring the forums in order to ensure that you get the answers you need as quickly as possible.

PDF-XChange Forums

* Please zip all files that you email to us or post in the forums, otherwise they may be blocked by our spam filters/antivirus software.

Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base contains more than 500 articles relating to our products. Here you can find information about how to use the software, answers to frequently asked questions, tips and tricks for the product features and specific "how to" instructions for more complicated operations.

Search Knowledge Base
Resellers & Support

Please go to Resellers to find a reseller near you.
All support options are detailed on the Support page.
If you would like to become a reseller, please see the Reseller Page.

Why do we prefer you to email/use our Forums? (even for sales questions)

Our global support team monitors our email accounts and forums around the clock. If you need a prompt response, then please contact us through these channels.

If you need to contact us by phone then please ensure it is during office hours, otherwise there may be no member of staff available to take your call.

We also have a Live Chat feature on the website that you can use to ask live operators any support and sales questions you might have.


Sales & Administration

Our offices

North/South America

PDF-XChange Co. Ltd
PO Box 79, 9622 Chemainus Rd
Chemainus. BC
V0R 1K0

GST/ HST REG No: 84829 7024 RT 0001

Sales/Admin only Tel : +1 (250) 324-1621
Fax : +1 (250) 324-1623

Hours of Operation: 9:00am - 5:30pm Pacific Standard Time (UTC -8:00)

UK & Europe

PDF-XChange Co. Ltd
Horsmanshoad, Pickwell Lane,
West Sussex
RH17 5RH
United Kingdom

Company Number: 11091579
VAT No: GB285382669
EU VAT Number: EU372065772

Sales/Admin only Tel: +44 (0)20 8503 8711
Fax: +1 (250) 324 1623

Hours of Operation: 9:00am - 5:30pm Greenwich Mean Time (UTC 0:00)

Need more information? Get in touch.

You can contact us by phone, email or our social media accounts — we are here to assist you.