28 Jul 2022

PDF-XChange Co Ltd and Tracker Software Products (Canada) Ltd announce all products removed from sale in mainland China and Hong Kong.

Please be advised that our decision to suspend sales of all our products to China and all its territories remains in place as of 28th July 2022, and this will not change for the foreseeable future. Further information is detailed below, in our original post on the matter.

As of tomorrow - April 24th, 2020 - Tracker Software Products (Canada) Ltd & PDF-XChange Co Ltd -  will cease all sales and support of our range of PDF-XChange editing and manipulation software to mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, or sold to Chinese companies or users in these locations. 

Our products (both the free and licensed versions) are used by many hundreds of millions of users around the world - either in our own, end-user software applications, or via embedding in third-party publishers' software products and used indirectly.

All new sales to users in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau will cease and no longer be available. We will not change this policy unless the manner in which China and its governing regime interacts with the rest of world in every regard is carried out in a more open and globally responsible manner.

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