
Testimonials from people who have worked with the sales and support teams at PDF-XChange Co are detailed below. If you want to read user reviews about our products, then please go to the relevant product page.

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01 Dec 2009
I must thank u 4 ur update of PDF Xviewer to 2.xx. It is really really cool & I must say tht in the aspects of 'commenting'(especially in highlighting text) & 'loading' of ur respective programme ths update really has to offer many improvements. I am running ur software on abt 320 computers in my university, here in Pakistan, & all r much impressed by its performance than those of Adobe products. Students of our university from various Pakistan cities are geeting ur software via USB to their personal home computers, creating a somewhat 'chain reaction' 4 ur popularity!!

Plz keep up the good work 4 such praiseworthy freeware.

Yours sincerely
Usama Khan
Chemical Engg.
Usama Khan Pakistan
26 Jul 2010
This was one of the best purchases we ever made; and we recommended it to everyone who's asking and also to lots who didn't ask ;)

When using your software, we sometimes feel that we payed not enough for the functionality it offers. Especially when considering usability it's one of the best pieces of software I've ever had on my system!

Stefan Zielinski USA

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