Released Jan 14th, 2025 . Requires maintenance through Jan 14th, 2025
NEW Added a 'Redact Regions' tool/action that allows users to redact content in PDF documents within user-defined regions.
NEW Added a 'Create PDF from Web Pages' tool/action that creates PDFs from web pages specified by a URL, or from local files in *.htm, *.html, or *.mhtml formats.
NEW Added an 'Add Links from Barcodes' tool/action that finds barcodes on document pages and adds links to them.
NEW Added a 'Pause' button to the tool run progress window, which allows users to pause tool runs when required.
NEW Added a %[RelPath] macro that inserts the relative path of files from their root folders. The macro is assigned a value only if the file is located within a subdirectory of the specified root folder. The root folder can be specified using the 'Select Folder' option in the 'Choose Input Files' action, or as a line in a 'Files List' file (*.pdtfl).
NEW Added the ability to rename custom tools in Tools View, without entering the Tool Edit View, using either a toolbar command or the F2 hotkey. (40564)
Fixed an issue with digital signature templates that use an external images disappearing after an application restart. (T# 7217) (35136, 28955)
Fixed an issue where the %[FolderName] macro was missing from several action macro popup menus.
Fixed an issue in the 'Flatten Comments' action that could lead to incorrect comment deletion.
Fixed an issue where input files were sorted by name when running tools via the command line. The order of input files is now preserved, unless the 'sort' command line option is specified. (43634)
Fixed an issue with irregular label text in the 'Filter Files' action dialog box and its description. (44735)
Improved the save process, which now has an increased performance in most cases when 'Multi-threaded Processing Mode' is enabled.
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