We use software that is running under a Citrix client. Whenever I attempt to print to the PDF XChange PDF print driver, I am never provided a Save As dialog box (the printing essentially fails, although no error message is generated). Printing to other PDF printers works fine.
Citrix changed the printing method starting in Citrix ICA Client 10, including XenApp clients. The new print method directly injects the Enhanced MetaFile (EMF) into the print spooler on the client system. The PDF-XChange Printing drivers do not support the direct injection of the EMF record, so the print job is never started.
Note: This will only occur when printing from an application running over Citrix XenApp 10 (and newer versions) to the PDF XChange printing driver installed on the local system. When printing to a local PDF XChange print driver from earlier versions of Citrix, the print process will work as expected. Also, printing in the same environment (from Citrix to Citrix, or from local to local) will work as expected.
Here is a more detailed description of the problem on the Citrix Support website: http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX115553
As detailed in the link above, the simplest method is to locate and copy the Driver Name of the printers you wish to setup for use. Follow the below steps for a more detailed process:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ICA Client\ReprocessEMFDriverList
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