I have an issue using the PDF-XChange SDK sample code with Microsoft Visual Basic in 'interactive mode' for debugging.
Please note that a developer asked this question on the PDF XChange forum. They had copied all example files to the bin directory, but found that when they ran VB6 in interactive mode for debugging an error message appeared:
"Run-time error '53' File not found: xcpro40".
There was no issue when it was compiled to an EXE, but they needed to run in interactive mode for debugging and testing of the product.
This issue arises because the VB 'interative mode' uses DLLs that are located in folders that the PATH environment variable specifies and ignores DLLs located in the projects folder.
Follow the steps below to resolve this issue:
1. Copy all DLLs into any folder listed in %path% - echo %path%.
2. Add the project folder path to the path variable. For example, in Vista it would be:
Control panel -> System -> System Properties -> Advanced -> Environment variables -> System Variables -> Path -> Edit -> followed with a list of absolute folder paths demilited with semi-colons.
Debugging should then work as normal.
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