What's new in PDF-Tools?

Check out some of the features added in this new build of the software:

Add Barcode Tool

Add Barcode Tool

You can use the Add Barcode tool to add barcodes with user-specified data to documents.

Normalize Pages Tool

Normalize Pages Tool

You can use this tool to adjust the position and rotation of pages/content in documents.

Run JavaScript Tool

Run JavaScript Tool

You can use the Run JavaScript tool to runs user-defined JavaScript code snippets for input documents.

Identify Forms Tool

Identify Forms Tool

You can use this tool to identify form fields in document content.


Plus Much More...

'Create Compound Filter' in 'Choose Input Files' Dialog Box

'Create Compound Filter' in 'Choose Input Files' Dialog Box

The 'Create Compound Filter with All Selected Filters' option enables users to define a compound filter that contains all selected file types, and also to specify any additional custom file types that should be included/excluded.

'Create Files List' Action

'Create Files List' Action

The Create File List action can be used to create files that contain the list of files used when the action runs. These files can be saved and used again with other tools.

'Run Application' Action

'Run Application' Action

The Run Application action can be used to launch external applications via the command line to use in conjunction with other tools in PDF-Tools.

Application Variables for Macros

Application Variables for Macros

The 'Application Variables' feature allows users to define custom values that can be used in fields that support macros.

Clipboard Support for 'Choose Input Files' Action

Clipboard Support for 'Choose Input Files' Action

Copy/paste a list of files to/from a files list in PDF-Tools.

Debug Log File Functionality

Debug Log File Functionality

You can use this feature to identify and resolve issues when the application behavior is difficult to reproduce. You can also send log files to PDF-XChange to assist us in troubleshooting problems with the software.

Export and Import Tools

Export and Import Tools

Use the Export/Import Tools features to export/import customized tools to/from file. 

Find Your Language

Find Your Language

Use the language options to convert the UI language into your language of choice. English, Spanish, German, French and many more are avaialble by default.

Folder Monitors for Settings Options

Folder Monitors for Settings Options

Options for folder monitors are available when exporting, importing and resetting settings in PDF-Tools.

High DPI Support

High DPI Support

Per Monitor Resolution is available in PDF-Tools to provide the correct UI appearance for all resolutions used in multi-monitor configurations.

Incremental Save Option for the Save Documents Action

Incremental Save Option for the Save Documents Action

It is possible to use incremental save when utilizing the Save Documents action in PDF-Tools.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

A range of keyboard shortcuts are available in PDF-Tools in order to enable you to have a more dynamic user experience.

Links to Online Help from the Tools UI

Links to Online Help from the Tools UI

Links to the online help manual for PDF-Tools are available for each tool and tool action in the user interface of the software.

MRC Support

MRC Support

PDF-Tools supports Mixed Raster Content, which significantly improves the compression quality of images that contain both binary-compressible text and continuous-tone components.

Multi-Threaded Processing Mode

Multi-Threaded Processing Mode

Multi-Threaded Processing is available for all tools. This processing mode uses all CPU cores when running tools in order to enhance the processing performance.

Options for Sorting Documents in the Extended 'Choose Input Files' Dialog Box

Options for Sorting Documents in the Extended 'Choose Input Files' Dialog Box

Several options are available in the extended Choose Input Files dialog box for sorting documents before they are processed by tools in PDF-Tools.

PDF-XChange Editor

PDF-XChange Editor

If you buy a licensed version of PDF-Tools then you will also receive a licensed version of PDF-XChange Editor. Simply put: this application is the smallest, fastest, most feature-rich PDF software available. Create, view, edit, annotate, OCR and sign PDF files – and that’s just the beginning. Further details about this product are available here.

PDF-XChange Printer Lite

PDF-XChange Printer Lite

If you buy a licensed version of PDF-Tools then you will also receive a copy of PDF-XChange Printer Lite. This is the lite version of our best-selling software for the creation and virtual printing of industry-standard PDF files - PDF-XChange Printer Standard. Further details about this product are available here.

Read/Write Files on the Cloud

Read/Write Files on the Cloud

It is now possible to read and write files on cloud systems such as SharePoint, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, Box.com and Dropbox in PDF-Tools.

Set Audio Format Quality Parameters in the 'Export PDF to Audio' Tool/Action

Set Audio Format Quality Parameters in the 'Export PDF to Audio' Tool/Action

Set the sample rate, channels and bitrate values when using the Export PDF to Audio tool/action.

Set Options for Source Files After Tools Run

Set Options for Source Files After Tools Run

Set options for source files after they have been used by tools in PDF-Tools.

Set a Pixel Limit for the Extract Images Tool/Action

Set a Pixel Limit for the Extract Images Tool/Action

Set a minimum pixel limit when using the Extract Images tool/action.

Shortcuts to Support for UI Commands

Shortcuts to Support for UI Commands

Convenient shortcuts for support are available in PDF-Tools that ensure you get any answers you need as quickly as possible.

Use Command Line Options

Use Command Line Options

PDF-Tools features a range of Command Line Options that enable the dynamic use of the software from the command line.

Use a Terminal Server

Use a Terminal Server

PDF-Tools is Citrix Metaframe/Terminal Server certified.

Use the 'Keep Output Order' Feature to Retain Document Order from Input to Output

Use the 'Keep Output Order' Feature to Retain Document Order from Input to Output

This feature makes it possible to specify that the order of output documents matches the order of input documents. 

View Tool Reports

View Tool Reports

Use the Tool Report feature to view a step-by-step breakdown of the processes involved when tools run.

Watch Folders

Watch Folders

Use the dynamic and customizable Folder Monitor feature to set up folder monitoring and automatically perform tool operations on files that are moved into designated folders.



Presenting V10 released June 14th, 2023

Presenting V10 released June 14th, 2023

Presenting V10 released June 14th, 2023

Posted: 1 year 8 months 28 days ago, Views: 433 Duration: 0:00

Presenting Build 337, Coming this April

Presenting Build 337, Coming this April

Posted: 4 years 11 months 3 days ago, Views: 3584 Duration: 0:00

Pricing Table

Perpetual (Lifetime) License

We offer a range of licensing setups in order to accommodate businesses of all sizes.
Use the table below to find the best licensing model for you:

Single User License
Choose maintenance period


USD $82.00

3 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $223.00

5 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $368.00

10 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $704.00

25 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $1,303.00

50 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $2,370.00

100 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $3,157.00

250 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $4,643.00

500 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $6,192.00

1000 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $8,844.00

Corp Site License Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $11,034.00

Corp Country Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $16,053.00

Corp World Pack (Global < 75,000)
Choose maintenance period


USD $25,370.00

Corp World Pack (Enterprise > 75,000)
Choose maintenance period


USD $50,741.00

Purchase of a product license is a one-time fee.

The license is perpetual and is inclusive of one year of free maintenance, entitling you to all major/minor updates during the maintenance period. Should you decide not to renew your maintenance when it expires, your license remains valid and grants you the right to use any version that was released during your valid maintenance period - indefinitely.

Need more information? Get in touch.

You can contact us by phone, email or our social media accounts — we are here to assist you.