
Advanced SharePoint Integration

SharePoint Features Only Available with PRO

SharePoint Features Only Available with PRO

Avail of several SharePoint features that are only available with a PDF-XChange PRO license, including the ability to open documents in PDF-XChange Editor directly from your SharePoint account/site.



Presenting V10 released June 14th, 2023

Presenting V10 released June 14th, 2023

Presenting V10 released June 14th, 2023

The new Version 10 of PDF-XChange Editor is coming this week with Custom Stamp Creator, Accounting Calculator, features that can take an Image directly from Webcam, convert Web Pages to PDF, Identify Forms, Tools for Path Editing, and many more others ...

Posted: 1 year 8 months 18 days ago, Views: 2233 Duration: 0:00

Pricing Table

Perpetual (Lifetime) License

We offer a range of licensing setups in order to accommodate businesses of all sizes.
Use the table below to find the best licensing model for you:

Single User License
Choose maintenance period


USD $121.00

3 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $336.00

5 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $551.00

10 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $1,088.00

25 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $2,087.00

50 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $3,757.00

100 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $4,907.00

250 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $7,375.00

500 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $11,072.00

1000 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $16,002.00

Academic Campus License
Choose maintenance period


USD $7,375.00

Corp Site License Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $19,717.00

Corp Country Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $28,284.00

Corp World Pack (Global < 75,000)
Choose maintenance period


USD $40,014.00

Corp World Pack (Enterprise > 75,000)
Choose maintenance period


USD $77,740.00

Gov Local/Municipality < 25,000
Choose maintenance period


USD $28,284.00

Gov Local/Municipality > 25,000
Choose maintenance period


USD $40,014.00

Gov State/Provincial/Regional < 75,000
Choose maintenance period


USD $40,014.00

Gov State/Provincial/Regional > 75,000
Choose maintenance period


USD $77,740.00

Purchase of a product license is a one-time fee.

The license is perpetual and is inclusive of one year of free maintenance, entitling you to all major/minor updates during the maintenance period. Should you decide not to renew your maintenance when it expires, your license remains valid and grants you the right to use any version that was released during your valid maintenance period - indefinitely.

Need more information? Get in touch.

You can contact us by phone, email or our social media accounts — we are here to assist you.